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1301174297 / Tahun 2017-2018       Siska Cristanti










Aplication for rescueing animals faster

Siska Cristanti

              [email protected] , SI Teknik Informatika , Jl. Telekomunikasi No. 01, Terusan Buah Batu, Sukapura, Dayeuhkolot, Sukapura, Dayeuhkolot, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40257





The development of information technology has grown rapidly in helping dog health problems. This research is to implement health information and Dog care in Manado into the form of Android expert system application. Development of expert system of early recognition and treatment of diseases in dogs in Manado is using Forward Chaining method. The purpose of making the expert system of early recognition and handling of diseases in dogs in Manado is to help the user in getting information about the introduction of dog disease and the way the initial treatment of diseases in the dog so that the user’s favorite dog can recover from the disease. The results of the expert system of the introduction and initial treatment of diseases in dogs in Manado is to help people and dog lovers in the city of Manado in getting information about dog disease and how to handle it.


Keywords: Dog Disease, Expert System . Forward Chaining , Metode RUP






Dogs are the type of animal that is very faithful and friendly to humans. Dogs can be said to be a good friend and fun. Nowadays dog lovers (dog lovers) are increasing, even some are willing to spend up to tens of millions of dollars to buy a dog (generally a breed dog). Therefore, dog owners maintain, care for, and maintain the health of their best friend this one well


Until now, most of the dog lovers sometimes do not know what the disease is being experienced by their dogs, even many of them do not know that their dogs are sick, which consequently leads to death because of late handling. There are also owners who treat their own dogs, without knowing clearly in advance what the illness is suffering and what drugs are suitable for the disease .


Based on the above conditions, the authors feel the need to create a system to help identify and analyze what disease is being suffered by dogs by looking at the symptoms and solutions. Expert System (Expert System) is a knowledge-based program that provides expert-quality solutions to problems within a specific domain. Expert system is a computer program that mimics the process of thinking and expert knowledge in solving a particular problem. Implementation of expert systems is widely used in the field of psychology because expert systems are viewed as a way of storing expert knowledge in certain fields in computer programs so that decisions can be given in .


make intelligent reasoning. The wedge between psychology and expert systems gave birth to an area known as cognition and psycolinguistics. Generally the knowledge is taken from an expert human being in the domain and the expert system is trying to imitate the methodology and performance (Kusumadewi, 2003). Animal care should not require veterinary help because as we know that the use of veterinary services is expensive and the availability of veterinarians in Manado is small. With the expert system is expected to provide sufficient information, both for dog pet lover and the general public about the disease in dogs quickly, precisely and efficiently and also can help in the prevention of the recurrence of the disease




  1. Applications

Applications derived from the word application is the form of objects from the verb to apply in the Indonesian language means the processor. In terminology, a computer application is a subclass of computer software that uses the ability of a computer directly to perform a task that the user wants. The main examples of application software are word processing programs, spreadsheets, and media players.


  1. Android

Android is an operating system for linux-based mobile devices that includes operating systems, middleware and applications. Android provides an API (Application Programming Interface) that offers access to hardware, as well as phone data as well as system data. In fact, users can remove the core application and replace it with a third-party application.



  1. Design Method

The methodology used by the author in making the application of expert system of early recognition and handling of diseases in this dog is RUP (Rational Unified Process) methodology. The RUP methodology itself is a software-oriented method of engineering that is done from scratch to be developed with an iterative approach. The classification phase / development phase on the RUP method is:


  1. Inception Phase .

At this stage the developer defines the limits of activities, performs user needs analysis, and performs the initial design of the software. In addition, in this phase the developer can identify existing systems either in terms of architecture, features, or use case system.


  1. Elaboration Phase

This stage is a stage for the authors to do the classification of data that has been obtained to further complete the design based on the analysis and inception stage that has been done before.


  1. Construction Phase

The stage of the author after the elaboration stage is completed is a stage for expert system developers to implement / implement the results of the design process and test the implementation results.


  1. Transition Phase

Transition stage is the stage to submit expert system that has been made to the user so that it can be directly used to the public.



After using RUP and Decision Tree methodology, we get the result. From these results can be seen that some diseases have symptoms .

  1. Inception Phase

The inception stage is the initial stage of the system development process. At this stage the developer defines the limits of activities, performs user needs analysis, and performs the initial design of the software .


  1. Elaboration Phase

At this stage the design of software ranging from specifying software features to the prototype release of the software. The author also makes it clear that at the time of coding process is easier because the picture of its functionality is clearly visible.


  1. Construction Phase

Implementation of software design that has been made done at this stage. At the end of this stage, the final, approved software version of the software is released along with the software documentation.





Based on test results and implementation of expert system of early recognition and handling of diseases in dogs in manado, it can be concluded as follows:


  1. Application of expert system of early recognition and handling of diseases in dogs in manado can run well according to the design. The application is able to assist users in obtaining information of diseases that attack pet dogs.


  1. Inference Forward Chaining method that is used in this research work processing disease data that has been in the input based on the symptoms and properties seen in the dog and will be in the process to find out the diseases infected on the anajing.


  1. With this expert system it can help the efficiency of time in obtaining information of dog disease and how to handle it and minimize the cost to seek information on veterinarians and veterinary clinics. However, it does not completely replace the role of animal paradoxes for more thorough and more precise analysis.


  1. Using a multilevel classification is able to help resolve in determining what diseases are infected in pet dogs and the way they are treated initially.






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